Learning Bitsy

I learned about Bitsy from a friend about 2 months ago. We were talking about cool niche coding and web tools and he told me about Bitsy, esoteric code, and I believe a videogame called Nebraska. I looked up Bitsy. I played a couple of games by Cecile Richard that moved me to tears. I’ve long dreamt of being able to create and share what is within me via a medium that is the right combination of simple and multi-modal. Bitsy proves a tool that can stimulate in many ways - visual, tactile, experiential, musical.

It’s taken me some time between busy life moments to familiarize (just learned itch prefers british s’s to z’s) myself enough with the tools to be able to put together a couple of rooms with exits / destinations and link them with music I recorded on my iphone. This is just basically my first start-to-finish dry run of how I might outline a game, record its music, Zip it up and upload it here for sharing.

More to come soon.


10_09_22_crossword_v2.zip Play in browser
Sep 11, 2022

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